Beth’s Publications
Released Publications
Making Sense of Motherhood: Biblical and Theological Perspectives. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016. |
Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views. Grand Rapids: InterVarsity Press, 2012. Co-edited with Dr. Stanley E. Porter. Reviews:
Mapping Metaphorical Discourse in the Fourth Gospel: John’s Eternal King. Leiden: Brill, 2012. Nominated for the 2012 and 2013 F. W. Beare Award of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies. Reviews:
“The Birthing Spirit, the Childbearing God: Metaphors of Motherhood and Their Place in Christian Discipleship.” Priscilla Papers 26:4 (Autumn 2012): 9-14. |
Review of The New Testament in Antiquity: A Survey of the New Testament within its Cultural Context, by Gary M. Burge, Lynn H. Cohick, and Gene L. Green (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009). Priscilla Papers 25:2 (Spring 2011): 29. |
“The Power of God’s Presence [A Devotional Study on Ezekiel 1-11 and Luke 19:28-40].” Closer to God (Jan-Mar 2015): 100-107. |
“Day 38: Beth and Jon.” Worth the Wait: A 40-Day Devotional for Single Women. Edited by and Primarily Authored by Jamila Rauf Jackson. Bloomington, IN: Crossbooks, 2014. |
Forthcoming and in progress publications
- Minor Prophets II (Nahum-Malachi): A Commentary. The Story of God Commentary Series: Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, in progress, 2022.
- Minor Prophets I (Hosea-Micah): A Commentary. The Story of God Commentary Series: Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, in progress, 2022.
- Ezekiel. The Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Prophetic Books. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, in progress, 2022.
- Theodicy and Hope in the Book of the Twelve. Co-Edited with Colin Toffelmire. LHBOTS; Bloomsbury T&T Clark, forthcoming 2021.
- Performance, Voicing, and Metaphor in Poetic Prophesy. Co-Edited with Carol Dempsey and Elizabeth Hayes. LHBOTS; Bloomsbury T&T Clark, In progress.
Chapters in books
- “The Form Behind the Forms: The Form Criticism of C. H. Dodd.” In Pillars in the History of New Testament Interpretation: Old and New. Edited by Stanley E. Porter and Sean Adams. McMaster New Testament Studies Series. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, forthcoming.
- “Divine Warrior and Shepherd as an Echo of Exodus in Isaiah 40:10-11: Contributing Voice,” in Isaiah. Edited by and Primarily Authored by Carol J. Dempsey. The Wisdom Bible Commentary Series. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, forthcoming.
- “Poetry of Presence: Divine Presence and Divine Spirit in the Book of the Twelve.” In Poetry of the Prophets. Edited by Elizabeth Hayes, Carol Dempsey, and Beth M. Stovell. LHBOTS. New York: T & T Clark, in progress.
- “C. H. Dodd.” In Milestones in Johannine Literature: Great Scholars. Edited by Stanley E. Porter. Johannine Studies Series (JOST). Leiden: Brill, in progress.
- “Love One Another and Love the World: The Love Command and Jewish Ethics in the Johannine Community” in Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement. Edited by Stanley E. Porter and Andrew Pitts. Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context (ECHC) 4. TENT. Leiden: Brill, in progress.
- “Who’s King? Whose Temple? Divine Presence, Kingship, and Contested Space in John 1, 12, and 19,” in Johannine Prologue. Edited by Stanley E. Porter and Andrew Pitts. Johannine Studies Series (JOST). Leiden: Brill, in progress.
- “Sources for Johannine Metaphor,” in John’s Gospel and Its Sources. Edited by Stanley E. Porter and Andrew Pitts. Johannine Studies Series (JOST). Leiden: Brill, in progress.
- “Kingship in Second Temple Judaism.” In The T & T Clark Companion to Second Temple Judaism. Edited by Loren T. Stuckenbruck and Daniel M. Gurtner. New York: T & T Clark, in progress.
- “The Gospel as Good News for the Poor: God as the King of Justice and Reconciliation,” in Is the Gospel Good News? Edited by Stanley E. Porter and Hughson Ong. McMaster New Testament Studies Series. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, in progress.
- “Exploring Kingdom Pneumatic Hermeneutics,” and "The Spirit in Inner-Biblical Allusion" in The T & T Clark Handbook to the Spirit in the Interpretation of Scripture. Edited by Kevin L. Spawn, Archie T. Wright, and Ron Herms. New York: T & T Clark, in progress.
- “Framing the Framework: The Impact of Dodd’s According to the Scriptures on His Subsequent Scholarship and the Scholarly Guild” in The Argument and Influence of C. H. Dodd’s According to the Scriptures: Appreciative and Critical Responses. Edited by Seth Elhorn. In progress.
- “The Courage of Kindness in Biblical Scholarship.” In A Little Book For New Biblical Scholars. Edited by E. Randolph Richards and Joseph R. Dodson. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, forthcoming.